18 March 2008


Characteristic of a good FRENZ:

1) Together they Kiasu - Clockwise from left: Woody, Ah Yang, Eddy TSG, afraid that their muscle not big enough.

2) Together they spend a helping-hand whenever he/she need help

3) Together they post weird when taking Photo:



Albert Dock

Norfolk Park

4) Together they get drunk
2004 Christmas Party

2007 Christmas Party

And this guy got excited when see people get drunk!

5) Together celebrate birthday:
LZ at Bramall Court (23/6/2005), with the FRENZ from Liverpool on bottom left corner

Several ways to treat the birthday boy/gal:
a) Splash the cake on to their face:
Woody - 11th June 2004

b) LZ - 23rd June 2003

b) Drunk the borthday boy/gal:

Jerry SWS

c) Throw the birthday boy/gal into the pool:
CH - 24 April 2007, but finally everybody have to be thrown into the pool.

6) Together they suffer the hardtime:
Cold and windy late night waiting for last train to Liverpool

7) Together they show-"off", I mean, showing themselve by getting their panties-off!

8) Together they wear the same shirt
The “六星班”in Langkawi, Makam Mahsuri

The ME Group D gang in Manchester and Old Tradford
9) And "they never walk alone"
Liverpool 2005

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hohoho.... memories of the ME ppls :D